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DEPURWASH system allows treatment of effluents generated in vehicles and machinery washing operations, being applied downstream S-IPlines (Sludge Trap / Oil Separator / Sample collection box) according to EN 858 -1 / 2, adjusting the treated water quality for reuse during the stages of pre-wash and wash.

The system reduces up to 90% water consumption in washing operations, resulting not only in an effective contribution to the preservationof resource "water" but also a worthwhile investment with economic return in the short term. The excess effluent meets the discharge limits imposed by current legislation regarding the parameters COD, BOD5, TSS, Grease & Oils and Total Hydrocarbons and can be directly discharged in natural areas (water / soil).


Water Resource consumption management and optimization allows a cost reduction associated with the drinking water consumption.The actual savings should be assessed case by case, based on the water reuse expected volume compared to the rate applied by the localauthority, or at cost/m3 in case of water supplied by Tank truck.


 Creating a strategic water reserve, useful in lack of water periodsdue to supply temporary interruption (ruptures, Dry ...)


Reducing of contaminants level released to the natural receiver, inorder to comply with legislation in force and preservation of naturalresources (water), reducing your consumption and contributing thusfor their conservation and sustainable use. The use of thesesystems, still, creates a Vanguard Environmental Friendly image.


  • Reuse rate up to 90%;
  • Legislation and Normative full compliance;
  • Detergent consumption reducing in pre-washing and washingsteps;
  • Easy and quick installation;
  • High functional safety;
  • Simplicity of operation and maintenance;
  • Absence of visual impact, noise and odours;
  • Automatic operation.

Reusing for Saving

  • More cars you wash, More can you save!

Economic Benefits

  • Reduce costs associated with water consumption

Technical Benefits

  • Water Reuse

Environmental Benefits

  • Natural water resources reduction consumption
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